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Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Week

Fall brings out the best in the Japanese Maple close to the Studio maple_leaves_2010.jpg

Thanksgiving week was a time to relax and renew friendships with our family and friends.  Wednesday before Thanksgiving, two families with their adult children who returned home for the holdidays visited the studio: Ryan and Ava Page and their mom Karen McCall, and Casey Privalle with her mom, Laura. Uncle Peter, a pilot, flew in for Wednesday afternoon and left at 6:30 am Thursday morning.  Casey_mirror_web.jpg Our son, Tyler, is in Copenhagen for the semester, so having other young adults in the studio was bittersweet...wonderful to see our children grow up, and sad that they have their own lives to live.

I had two days of eating more than believable and visiting with sister-in-law Hilary and husband Skeetz. On Sunday, my birthday (29 and holding), 17 (SEVENTEEN) people came to the studio.  Studio_17_Nov_28_web.jpgEveryone was great about sharing table space and making do with seating.  Each table had it's own character, though Christmas was a common theme.Christmas_theme_2010_web.jpg detail_2_web.jpgdetail_3_web.jpg detail_4_web.jpg


3:19 pm est 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Meanwhile, Back at the Glass Studio

Laura P brought her entire lab out for a Sunday workshop on November 14.  Two of the families had older boys who had played with glass before, so their younger brothers were excited to be invited to play.  children_glass_1web.jpg  children_glass_4web.jpg   children_glass_2web.jpg children_glass_3web.jpg children_glass_5web.jpg
We did glass weaving, powders, and jewelry in addition to the collage techniques.  Youngest: 5, Oldest...well, a lady never tells. 

11:23 am est 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Highlights of Bronze Pour at Liberty Arts
Liberty Arts was aglow with fire and good cheer Friday night.  3_LA_aglow.jpgIn the big room, Dogs of a Feather kept us dancing and Yellow Bird Bakery and a potluck table of snacks from the Liberty Artists Advisory Board kept us well fed. dogs_of_a_feather2.jpg  YellowBird.jpg
Around the foundry, those involved5_prepping_mold.jpg 4_Prepping_Mold.jpg  burning_off_alcohol.jpg 1_Leveling_molds.jpgin the pour made the final changes to their molds and leveled them to get ready for the pour. 
When the metal reached temp (around 2300 degrees F?), the pour team suited up.  reading_temp.jpg  suiting_up.jpgMike Waller supervised but the pour team was all women: Cassandra, Robin, Rennee and Leah.
The first step was to move the crowd outside the gatescrowd_outside.jpg crowd_through_gate.jpgLifting the crucible out of the furnace and pouring is exciting. lifting_crucible.jpg flames_hitting_cardboard.jpg pour_1.jpg pour_2.jpg pour_3.jpg pour_4.jpg 

After the pour, the party resumed until the molds could be opened.post_pour.jpg post_pour_party.jpg 
Everyone was curious to see what was in each mold as it was opened about 30 - 40  mins after the pour. opening_molds.jpg opening_molds_2.jpg explaining_2.jpg

 More pictures will be available on the Liberty Arts facebook account soon. Thanks, y'all, for a great evening!
7:10 pm est 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bronze Pour at Liberty Arts Tonight
There will be live music by the Dogs of a Feather at Liberty Arts tonight, and a bronze pour at 8 pm.  Address 538 Foster St, Durham (across from the Durham Farmer's Market.)  If you have never seen molten metal poured into sand/resin molds, this is your opportunity.  Very exciting.  Music starts at around 6 pm and will continure after the pour.  For more pix, find Liberty Arts on facebook.  For the real thing, come on down tonight, have a glass of wine, a bite of cheese, and some fun conversation with your friends, old and new.  3_alum_pour_web.jpgOh, there will be art for sale, too.  Come do some holiday shopping!!! 
2:23 pm est 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

OLLI Classes Winding Down
Another Wonderful OLLI session (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke University) is winding down.  Several first-timers completed ambitious projects, such as Hitzie's side light for her front door, and Marion's wall hangingFall_2010_Hitzie.jpg Fall_2010_Marion.jpg.  We worked with glass "collage", used glass powders and frit to create details, embedded photographs into glass, and "wove" glass into bowls.  Fall_2010_Studio_Work.jpg Folks went into "production" mode the last weeks to get ready for the holidays, and many are coming back for Open Studio TimeFall_2010_Sharon_Working.jpg Fall_2010_Working_studio.jpg.  Thanks, everyone.  I loved it (as always) and hope to see you again soon.
7:17 am est 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lockridge Artists 2010

Turning a teaching studio into an art gallery is always a challenge.  1_Class_Thursday_afternoon.JPG3_Studioafterclass.JPGBut, with the help of Mary Kay and Jan of Ruffled Grouch, the transformation from Thursday afternoon to Saturday morning was pretty spectacular. 5_Saturday9am.JPGAfter a rainy start on Saturday morning, the weekend of Lockridge Artists turned glorious.  7_Tompaintings.JPGShirley McConahay's Heron greeted everyone, and Tom Johnson's paintings looked great on the wall.  Lucartha Kohler brought some of her cast glass 8_Lucarthacastglass.JPG and Sallye's big bowls6_Bigglassbowls.JPGhung out in the back room.  New to the group were the pole people and puzzles of Ruffled Grouch10_thewoodladies.JPG Mary Kay and Jan, plus the pottery of Andi Sobbe.  Frances Carther's bags and Marni Goldshlag's fabric art and scarves brightened the studio.  11_Sundayafternoon.JPG 

It's always great to see everyone, thanks for coming out.  (And, if you missed it, the contact information for all of the artists is on the Lockridge Artist's page.) 

10:57 pm est 

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